Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Little Cricket Song

Them mushy songs are haunting me!!! Just when you don't want to listen to them.....I tried listening to some music last night so soothe myself to sleep and the songs just kept repeating themselves. I am not complaining since I am the one who synced the ipod to my kind of music but for crying out loud!!

I have been sleeping late the past few days trying to finish orders for this month and I must say that I can feel its effects. My body aches and my eyes are tired. I might try going to bed early today but I don't think it's going to be possible since Josh is still awake. I'm trying to exhaust him by having him jump on his hopefully he'll be asleep in like an hour. We've already done his bedtime story "The Little Cricket's Song" which he prefers to taste than listening to :-)). It's a story about a little cricket who couldn't sing like the other crickets because he was too shy to sing. But with a little encouragement from his good friends, he started chirping away happily....sweet, huh!?

Well, Goodnight my good and precious ones. I hope that those with you tonight will make your day complete by cheering you up or by simply blessing your heart. 

I am not wishing for a cricket song but for calmness and relaxation as I rest tonight.

I love you all.

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