Monday, November 15, 2010

I'm Back!!!

I haven't blogged since Thursday...!!. Not good. Here's my weekend in a nutshell.
Friday was a fairly o.k day though I was so tired after the visitors we had on Thursday. I ended up cooking since my mom twisted her ankle. Friday I spent my whole morning at the hospital with my mom and that ws after we bid goodbye to our very good friends. In the afternoon I decided to take a short nap with JJ which was pretty nice since I really needed it. 

On Saturday I ran some errands for my mom and I had to leave JJ alone for a while but it wasn't so bad. I missed him though.

Now yesterday was the cream of them all. We went to visit our grandmother who had been ill for a shot time. I got to see her and spend time with her and most of my relatives. I love my grandma and it seems JJ adores her too. We had an awesome time and I thank God for my grandmothers life. She is a living testimony of God's greatness and goodness.

Now I'm back and I m not leaving anytime soon.
I missed you ladies.

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