Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fussy! Fussy! Fussy!

Fussy babies might be hard to deal with and some of us don't know this but it's harder on the parents.....single moms especially. 
To the mothers of those very fussy babies...remember that nothing lasts forever, that too will pass and soon the fussing will be gone and you will begin to wonder what happened to all those baby years.

Try and look at this fussing from a different perspective...its a humbling experience and during these tough times we develop a special intimacy with God. So instead of asking "Why did You give me such a fussy baby?", ask God "What do you intend to teach me about myself and life in general..through this baby?"

To us with friends and families with fussy babies...the best we can do is talk to the parents an find out how baby and most importantly mom, are coping. Find out if there is any way you can help out. See if you can take the baby for a few hours and allow the mom to breathe....this is way better than tat baby shower gift you wanted to give. 

We all need time out from our daily let's be the best support we can be to our friends and family who need us the most!!

the key to competent parenting 
is being able to get behind the eyes of your child, 
seeing what he sees 
and feeling what he feels.

1 comment:

  1. i can so relate to this especially baby boys.the first month was crazy bt it taught me how to be patient n tolerant.n its true nothing lasts forever.
