Friday, October 29, 2010

We are Blessed!!

I will arise and give thanks to You Lord, my God
And Your Name I will bless with my whole heart.
For You have shown mercy to me.
I give thanks to You LORD!!

I wake each morning and the first face i see is my little boy's! I bless each day I look into his eyes. He makes me wake and do all I can. He inspires my day and I can't help but share these special days with you. I would also like to tun this into a sharing place where we can share experiences as mommies and even help each other out where we get stuck. We have Precious Children, We are Precious Mommies, and Precious times we will share in love.
Welcome Azizi Mommy!


  1. what about the little mamas?
    btw am loving this

  2. We don't get to see you every morning lil' moma! but i wish we could.... I miss you love. Please post some of your sweet poems...I'll make you famous....I pwomise :-))
