Monday, April 29, 2013

What a Love!

 You know that one moment when you hear a song and go------Wow! That's what's in my heart right now!?! Well, that's what I felt when I heard this song tonight.
  I had it all planned out. What I wanted to share tonight was a continuation of my Bible series 1Samuel from Hannah's prayer onwards. Clearly, God had other plans.
It has been a crazy month with projects demanding tons of creativity, fresh and new ideas, a lot of time, energy and finances. I'm convinced this is just the beginning. I have never been so fascinated with the Bible like this past month. I Started with the book of Isaiah, by choice, and to tell you the truth I sometimes found myself drifting off and wanting to go back to the ever vibrant and way cooler New Testament. Isaiah is that one book where I read through the first dozen chapters and all I could say was "come on guys!". I mean, God had had it with Judah and Jerusalem. They kept on sinning and disobeying, being corrupt, they worshiped idols, they stole, they spat on God's face,yet, He never stopped giving them another chance................. Tons of chances!! 
He even gave them hope of a coming Savior who would bring them back to Him. 
That reminded me of the kind of person I had been in the past. I kept seeking my way and doing things that pleased me more, that it never mattered what God meant to me. Never, at any one point did God turn His face away from me. When you have done the worst and the consequences are way worse, you then remember your God...right? Well, I'd say, that's what happens to most of us. 
In 1Samuel 12, Samuel addresses the people of Israel during the coronation of Saul. He reminded them of the times God had delivered them from their enemies, yet they kept on turning away form Him. They even asked for a king of their own. God gave them a king.

1 Samuel 12 (NIV)

20 “Do not be afraid,” Samuel replied. “You have done all this evil; yet do not turn away from the Lord, but serve the Lord with all your heart. 21 Do not turn away after useless idols. They can do you no good, nor can they rescue you, because they are useless. 22 For the sake of his great name the Lord will not reject his people, because the Lord was pleased to make you his own. 23 As for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by failing to pray for you. And I will teach you the way that is good and right. 24 But be sure to fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you.

I surrender to you - Jeremy Camp
 Lord, You live in me
You're my best friend
You're the King of kings
The beginning and end
Now that you have my eyes
I see your spirit inside of me

All that I am is for You
My savior
I live by your word
And surrender to you
Here where I stand in this moment father
My spirit has been renewed
I surrender to You

You hold the key to my life
In your loving hands
Always by my side
I offer all that I am
So glad I realize
You are the truth and the light
In my life

All that I am is for You
My savior
I live by your word
And surrender to you

Here where I stand in this moment father
My spirit has been renewed
I surrender to You

Everything I need I find in You
I believe your promises are true
I will lift my burdens up to You
Your loving grace will see me through

All that I am is for You

My savior
I live by your word
And surrender to you
Here where I stand in this moment father
My spirit has been renewed (Repeat)

My spirit has been renewed
I surrender to You
To You, to You, yeah
I surrender to You
It's with such GREAT Love that I live with hope and joy.
My journey through 1Samuel continues.................

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Totally feeling Hannah......................

I feel awful! My tummy really hurts, I'm tired and a bit drowsy. Imagine that then top that with a 3yr old running around doing naughty stuff and you just don't have the energy to deal with it! Well this is my evening. 
Well, that might put a damper on my physical strength but I'm spiritually upbeat. I have been reading through the 1st book of Samuel and I see hope, despair, joy, pain, blessings, sacrifice, hate, love, good evil, patience.................all in one book. Exciting!! 
The story is about Samuel. From how and when he was born, to how he continually served God, to the death of the first king of Israel - Saul.
Hannah's prayer of praise after she dedicated her son Samuel to God made me smile. She had a true song of praise to sing. She had been through the pain of not being able to conceive, she had been though tons of emotional pain and hurt, and she had to deal with irritating rivals. She was troubled and downcast. 
With a loving husband by her side and a God who answers prayer, She poured her heart out to God and in her lowest moments, He heard her. Her persistence in prayer and her trust in God is what amazes me. And the patience...............WOW!!
In my lowest moments, I sometimes push prayers to the back of my mind and I instead take time to blame God and those around me for all my troubles. But, I have come to realize that God finds us in our lowest moments in life. When we are downtrodden, depressed, in the deepest pain, flat on our faces, it! God loves us and He cares more than we could ever imagine. All we need to do is trust Him with what we are going through. And by trusting Him I mean totally trusting Him. Pour out your heart to Him. Your feelings, emotions, needs....all to God!
Here's part of Hannah's prayer that I really liked but, I think the whole prayer's awesome!

1 Samuel 2:
“The Lord brings death and makes alive;
    he brings down to the grave and raises up.
The Lord sends poverty and wealth;
    he humbles and he exalts.
He raises the poor from the dust
    and lifts the needy from the ash heap;
he seats them with princes
    and has them inherit a throne of honor.
“For the foundations of the earth are the Lord’s;
    on them he has set the world.


Friday, April 12, 2013

On my day!! With a belated Birthday wish for a dear friend...

Here's what happens on days set apart to celebrate your birth...otherwise known as Birthdays!
  1. Texts start trickling in after midnight and I'm guessing those are texts triggered by reminders on some phone calendar set for each year.
  2. You log on to your Facebook page and suddenly that red pop-up thingy on your notifications icon has more notifications than you've ever had three months combined. This again is due to that Birthday reminder people get on Facebook. Which I tend to unintentionally not see!
  3. People around you are chatty....just not as much with you. They are particularly busy and don't need your help. That simply means they are planning something.
  4. Mom making a special meal just for fun.
  5. When they do bring out the Birthday cake, everyone remembers how old you are....except for you of course. Reason being, Selective Amnesia regarding your age presents itself after 26yrs.
  6. The Birthday song they are singing does not sound as exciting as your yester-years and one verse is more than enough.

But here's what I love about it..
  • You amazingly reconnect with people you have not seen or spoken to in ages!
  • Those texting you in the middle of the night took time to save your Birthday's reminder for the rest of that phone's life. And I'm not saying being woken up a dozen times from your sweet dream is cool...just so we're together on this.
  • Those little surprises tend to be super cool especially when you think of how many people love and care about you.
  • When it's your son singing you that Birthday song......It turns out to be SO CUTE AND AWESOME!! Not saying the rest of you can't sing it....just do it with one verse in mind.

This is the cute version of Joshua singing "happy birthday"

And here's the disturbing version involving a squished balloon.

All that said, I am so thankful for all of you. You made me smile. Thanks for the wishes and the love. :) :) Most grateful for my lovely family for making my day awesome!! I love you all!! God bless you. I still have a few hours to keep them chocolate bars coming..... Belated birthday wishes are also highly accepted :).

Cathy Agalo Happy belated Birthday! I love you girl. I did not forget your birthday intentionally. I had a later date in mind. You are special to me and I pray for you. May God bless your every move and may He use you in doing His work. May His glory shine through you. I love you! Again, Pole sana. I owe you!

Thursday, April 11, 2013


I am giving out FREE Birthday cards from Azizi Cards for the first 12 kids mentioned by their parents on a post. What you need to do:
1. Send me your email address for you to be able to post on this blog. Send it to
2. Once you receive your invite, go to, log in, at the top right-hand corner. You will also find a New Post link on the same top right-hand corner.
2. Share something nice about your child or a sweet and memorable experience about your child.
3. At the bottom of the post sign your child's first name, and birth date.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


 hal•low (ˈhæl oʊ)

v.t. -lowed, -low•ing.
1. to make holy; sanctify; consecrate: to hallow the name of the Lord.
hal·low  (hl)
tr.v. hal·lowed, hal·low·ing, hal·lows
1. To make or set apart as holy.
2. To respect or honor greatly; revere.

Before my son was born, I already knew that I’d name him Joshua after my dad. I needed two names though and my list was long but I still had time to come up with the perfect names for my son. After Joshua was born, I started making his scrapbook. One of the pages in the scrapbook I titled “What’s in a name?” Here I was to write down Joshua's names and then write the meaning behind each name.
Joshua, an English rendition of the Hebrew name Yeheshua meaning “Yahweh our salvation”..such a powerful meaning. I started reading through the story of this great man of God and found that one of my favorite verses in the Bible – Joshua 1:9 had been mentioned severally in Deuteronomy 31.

Joshua 1:9 (NIV) Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

These words were told to the people of Israel then later to Joshua by Moses. Joshua was a leader, commissioned by God to lead His people. Joshua's name reflected his character. 
I gave my son Joshua a second name from this passage...Jabari...meaning "Strong and Courageous".
Long story short...I found two perfect names for my son! Do they reflect his character?

Speaking of great names...GOD! God's name is great and powerful and represents His character. His name should be honored as holy and sacred. God should be greatly revered and respected. Every time we enter into His presence we do it with thanksgiving, worship and high reverence. Thanking Him for what he has done for us, what He does in our lives and we also thank Him for who He is......Great, Awesome, Loving, Caring...... When we reflect on who God really is,. His glory and Holiness, we realize that, that alone is worthy of our thanks, worship and praise.
Psalms 99.9: Exalt the LORD our God, and worship at his holy hill; for the LORD our God is holy. 

Psalms 100.4: Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.  

All that we are, all that we have, all that we own, all that we hold dear and possess, belongs to God. Thanking God is the simple way of honoring Him. The greatest way to honor and revere Him however, is by how we live. Our lives should reflect God. 

1 Corinthians 10:31 (NIV)

31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

Matthew 5:16 (NIV)

16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Does your life glorify God? Does your life bring people in to His Kingdom? Do people desire to know God and live for Him when they look at you and how you live?
Let us worship God's awesome and holy name, honoring Him with our lives and seeking to grow deeper in our relationship with God. That's what "Hallowed be thy name" means to me.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


My dad was the best!! I looked up to him, admired his love for God, family and ministry. He loved us so much. Just the other day I was thinking about how he spent time with each of us. I remember the trips we (me and him) took together be it running errands or whatever. He'd answer each of my curious and sometimes nagging questions, he'd take time to explain stuff, he'd teach me from the most complex to the simplest of things. My dad listened to me, helped me grow my talent - art, he disciplined me, encouraged me and showed me love. I believe he did the same with my siblings......we all felt special but were loved the same.
One Sunday afternoon he asked me to go with him..he was driving up to some village to go visit a friend. It was raining and the car was sounding kinda funny. I asked him what was wrong, and he said it was just a minor problem and it was going to be okay. I trusted my dad and it never mattered to me if the car would swerve a bit from time to time.... My dad said it was going to be okay, I trusted him. He was my dad.

The relationship I shared with my dad is a picture of a child and a loving father and that's the same picture Jesus was trying to paint in Our Lord's Prayer. An approachable, caring, loving , tender, patient and giving Father, God who wants a relationship with us and Jesus made this known to His disciples by addressing God as "Our Father".

In the Old Testament God was seen and addressed as Awesome, Majestic, Great and Mighty Lord who reigns on HIGH. That still remains to date because God is all that and more but with the coming of Christ we were taught to call Him Father. Christ bought us the right to be called God's children through His painful death on the cross.

1 John 3:1 (NIV) 

See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!

John 1:12-13 (NIV)

12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— 13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.

God is loving, patient, kind and as our Father we should trust Him. He knows our every need and we should approach Him with that in mind. I would give anything to have the conversations I once had with my dad. To tell him about my day, to share with him my dreams, my disappointing moments......what could be better than having him kiss me goodnight as he and mom tuck me in every night? Well, how about this....a heavenly Father who is always by my side and knows everything about me. A Father who gave His ONLY son to die for broken life. He gave me eternal life..... a chance to one day praise Him eternally with my dad by my side.

My Father who art in heaven, I approach Your throne of grace with confidence, so that I may receive mercy and find grace to help me in my time of need. (Hebrews 4:16). 
I love you God!!